Principal's Message
Our programs of excellence here at Earl E. Edmondson Elementary include: Dual Language, Technology, “Meet the Masters” Art, Music, and Playworks. We are especially proud to be an AVID school, preparing our students for college, career, and life success. Our grade levels include Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade.
We believe in the importance of teaching the whole child, developing their academic growth and social-emotional well-being. We continue to implement the Common Core standards. Our Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) include best first instruction and provide opportunities for enrichment and interventions. We use ongoing data to monitor student progress and accelerate learning.
The Professional Learning Communities (PLC) structure allows for ongoing professional development, while focusing on our students’ needs. Our instructional focus in 2018-2019 will be in math, in tandem with our District’s Math Campaign. The 2020 Learning Initiative brings more technology to our campus.
We look forward to partnering with you to further your child’s academic excellence!
Mrs. Stewart